Press reviews

“With winged rhythms she presented “Lagrima” by Francisco Tarrega and “En los Trigales” (“In the Wheat Fields”). Following the good tradition of this genre, Wilgard Hübschmann also wrote her own compositions for her instrument: these are simple structures, methodically and individually formed: for example, “A Song for Peace” and “Flügelschlag” (Wingbeat). In the atmospheric and acoustically favourable concert room of the crypt below the Laurentius Church, the audience reacted with enthusiasm, and thanked her with heart-felt applause all the way through to the final encores.”
Fürther Nachrichten, Fürth

“Wonderful and with the feeling for Spanish-South American rhythms and harmonies provided by Rodrigo, Carlevaro and Albeniz, the audience was eager to demand an encore, which was granted with an interpretation of the famous “Memories of the Alhambra”.
Mittelbayerische Zeitung, Regensburg

“Wilgard Hübschmann made it clear during the “Sonata for flute and guitar” that Mauro Giuliani was one of the greatest guitar virtuosos of his time”.
Fränkische Landeszeitung, Ansbach